Thriving Congregations: Exploratory Track
Exploratory Track
To express interest or find out more information, fill out this form: Interest Form
The Exploratory Track is a good option for: 1) churches who want to try out the concepts and activities of the Thriving Congregations program, but aren't sure if they're ready to do the full seminar length path; 2) churches who feel they are already very connected to their community and other PC(USA) churches, and are working to deepen their knowledge, expand their imagination, and build on what they already do
But while there are good reasons for choosing this shorter track, it is worth noting that this track is much less in-depth, offers much less assistance, and will not come with the additional possibilities of the Seminar Length track. You can choose to pursue the Seminar Track later after you have completed the Exploratory Track, if you find you'd like more depth, assistance, connection and possibilities!
The Exploratory Track will consist of 4 meetings with no more than 3 representatives of your congregation. This track does not require session approval for participation:
Meeting 1: Core Identity: will be an overview of the 6 Great Ends of the Church and will begin prompts and activities designed to help your church think about its Core Identity in terms of "The Maintenance of Divine Worship" and "The Exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the World"
Meeting 2: Community: will build on the first meeting's themes, and have prompts and activities designed to help your church think about how you interact with community, in terms of "The Preservation of the Truth" and "The Promotion of Social Righteousness"
Meeting 3: Connection: will build on the previous two meetings' themes and have prompts and activities designed to help your church think about how you connect with other Presbyterians, in terms of "The Proclamation of the Gospel for the Salvation of Humankind" and "The Shelter, Nurture, and Spiritual Fellowship of the Children of God"
Meeting 4: Cohort: will be a wrap-up, with an invitation and encouragement to connect with other churches, to share ideas, and to begin implementing them in your congregation and community
We hope through this exploratory track you will get a taste of our larger program, re-discover Reformed Presbyterian concepts, learn about your church and community, and connect with your community and other Presbyterians
This track is currently in progress with a cohort of churches. Please bookmark this page for updates regarding when a new cohort sign-up will begin
For questions, or to express your interest, please contact me: Rev. Sara Anne Berger, or fill out this form: Interest Form