
Life journey and journey of faith

I was born in North Carolina in 1985, and both of my parents are PC(USA) pastors. We lived in several different places due to my parents' calls, and the longest amount of time was in Middle Tennessee, where my family still resides. I attended Presbyterian College in Clinton, SC, where I first felt God's call to the ministry via the religious education classes there, particularly New Testament. After wrestling with the idea, I finally realized that I did feel God pulling me to seminary and to a ministry life!

I graduated in 2007 with a degree in History with a minor in Spanish. I then attended Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA, where I discovered that God had called me to parish ministry. I found the classes to be exciting, invigorating and encouraging of my call. I went under care of Middle Tennessee Presbytery, who also confirmed my call. I graduated from seminary in 2011 with a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Christian Education degree, from a dual-degree program offered by the seminary. 

My first call was Whitmire Presbyterian Church, in Whitmire, SC, a church of around 30 people, in a former mill town, in the center of the Sumter National Forest in upstate South Carolina. I learned a lot in that first call, particularly how to pastor a church where everyone is related to each other! After 4 years there, I accepted a call to First Presbyterian Church, Natchitoches, Louisiana--a church of similar size, but very different setting! Natchitoches is a university town in northern Louisiana, whose primary income is derived from tourism, specifically from having the biggest Christmas festival in the Southeast. While I was in many ways pastoring a similar church, due to size, I found that it was an entirely different experience--in the makeup of the congregation, their interests, their community connection, and the needs and gifts of the area in which the church existed. I am grateful to both congregations for what they taught me and the ways they allowed me to learn as a pastor. 

After 4.5 years there, I accepted a call to Grace Presbyterian Church in Little Rock, AR. This was yet another small congregation, similarly sized to my previous churches, but once again, entirely different in setting, congregational makeup, and in how they operate as a church. I have learned a lot from pastoring a small church within a city, a congregation which is not the only Presbyterian Church in town, as has been the case in my previous churches. I also came to them during the pandemic, which meant our experience together was unusual and interesting for us in many ways! I served there for a little over 4 years. 

In April 2024, I started as the Assistant Director of the Thriving Congregations Program. This is a Lilly Endowment-funded program based out of the University of the Ozarks, in Clarksville, AR (a PC(USA) school) and working with congregations in the Presbytery of Arkansas--particularly small and rural congregations--with the goal of helping them reclaim their theological imagination and apply it in new ways to their congregation and surrounding communities. For more about this work, please click here

My contact information is available at the bottom of the page, and I look forward to connecting with you!